Thomas Yelland alias Welbouke
(Abt 1574-1645) |
Thomas Yelland alias Welbouke
FROM THE WILL OF THOMAS YOLLAN als WELBROUKE DATED 25 APR 1639. PROVED 5 JUL 1645: In the name of God: Amen: The xxvth daye of Aprill in ye yeere of our Lord God 1639; I Thomas yollan als Welbrouke of St Stephens in Brannell in ye Countye of Corne wall, husbandman being sicke in bodye but pfect of memorye, (God be thauncked) doe make my Testamt, conteyninge hereine my last will in mannor & ffourme ffolloweinge: Ffirst I bequeath my soule into the handes of Allmightye God my maker & redeemer, And my bodye to Christian buriall, when it shall please Allmightye God: Itm I doe give unto my son William a fframe of a table board in the higher house, & Bedstead wch is in ye new chambor Itm I doe give unto my sonne Henrye, -xl. And the new longe downe close: Itm I doe give unto my sonne John -xl. And the new down close betweene the two hie wayes: And my son Henry and John is to paye equallye the rentt of the two down closes unto the Lord or Lords thereof, duringe the tyme of the holdinge of it: Itm I doe give unto my daughter Jone: -xvil. Itm I doe give unto my daughtr Eliza beth: -xvil. Itm I doe give unto my daughtr Marye. -xvil. And my will is that the sume of money unto my two sonns Henry and John is to be payd (being xl a yeere) wthin the tyme of three yeers aftr my death by my executrix: And my will is farther, that likewise, the sum of money wch is to be payd unto my three daughters (being xvil a yeere) wthin three yeeres, aftr my death, by my executrix. Itm I doe give unto my son Henry, the outter meddowe, joyninge wth ye down yeatt: & my will is that my sonne Henrye shall paye unto my daughter Jone his sister, the some of -ffive shillinges yeerelye. Butt my will is that my sonne Henrye to have the meddow ???? after my executrixe ??????? then to ha??e it duringe all wch tyme as I holde it by lease: & th??? paye ???? ???? Jone the said ffyve shillinges yeerelye as longe as he holdeth & enjoyeth ye said meddowe: during the contynuance of the Lease yt I hold it By: Itm I doe give & bequeth unto my two sonns Henry & John and unto my two daughters Jone & Marye: All such houses and grounds as one John Symons now doeth holde & enioye by my grannte: Provided allwayes & my will is that my executrix to holde the said houses duringe of her lief: & aftrward to come unto my children the said 2 sons & 2 daughters duringe of there Brother Williams lief: & to paye him iiijd a yeere duringe of his lief tyme: And my will is that if three of them above named viz Henry & John Jone and Marye doe marrye, then the laste y liveth unmaryed: shall have the whole houses duringe of the tyme whither he or she marry or not marrye being the last and to paye iiijd a yeere to William there brother Itm I doe give unto my daughter Elizabeth a house and a herber garden hedged in one of ye ----?: Provided always aftr the death of ye sd Elizabeth the said house & herber garden to come unto Marye her syster: if she be then liveinge Butt if she be not then livinge then she to give it to whome she please: the house and garden & to paye iiijd a yeere to her brother William is now in one Rbt Jonses handes: ^^^ Itm all the rest of my goodes & chattles moveable & immoveable not before given or bequeathed I doe give and bequeath unto Marye my wife, whom I do make my full and whole executrixe to see this my last will to be performed. In witness where= of I the said Thomas yollan have hereunto sett my sale & signe thereon the daye & yeere first above wrytten: 1639: Wyttnessed hereunto: Signn Thome x Yollan als Welbrouke mr Juhne Michell John Croll ![]() Thomas married Mary Lyston on 6 Aug 1599 in South Brent, Devon, England. |
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