Ancestors of Barry James

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Welcome to my web site! Many hours of work have been put into the research and documentation of these ancestors. I hope you will benefit from the information I present here.
A special thanks go to two of my cousins, Linda Pardoe and Ann Willis who have done most of the research for the Pardoe, Hose and Watkins Families and a special mention for Gaynor Woolley who has supplied a great deal of information about the family of John Henry Edgar Hose. Further special thanks go to all contributors who have enabled this website to expand to over 14000 individuals.

Simpson Thomas William Pardoe was a leading light in the running of Covent Garden Fruit and Vegetable Market at the end of the 19th Century. He ran 3 fruit and Veg shops, one in Balham and two in and around Peckham S.E. London. He was President of the London & Counties Retail Fruiters' and Florists' Association and represented this association during the Porterage Strike of August 1924.

The site is still under continuous construction and family photos and stories will be added in due course. Just to whet your appetite in the Hose family was a former Bishop of Singapore. Also within the Snape family are various members of the clergy and also a survivor of the charge of the Light Brigade

Last updated: working from an AncestryDNA test and thrulines I have matched various DNA strands to my tree during 2024 into 2025                  

Previous updates: :Sunday 3rd February addition of the Caporn family: a pioneer family of Western Australia see

11/7/2017 New details on the Dinham Family from Murray in Canada

23/1/2013 Additions to the Goggin family plus other updates

Many updates added since July 2010 and a new tree added on Ancestry December 2012

10/7/2010 With details from Andrew Garvey with details from his book "Over and on the sea" The story of Timothy Garvey and his descendents

Tuesday 31st March 2009 added a page concerning the Ostler family and their link to Rebecca Drew from Pam Glover in Australia

Sunday 16th December 2007 added 750 names from the Bomford Family in Ireland from

With help from Julian I have added details of the Schon and Sandlands Families

Thursday 2nd August 2007 added the Snape family with thanks to Beverley Garry from Sydney Australia

Saturday 28th July with help from Christine McNair (nee McCann) I have added the McCann Family

Wednesday 25th July 2007 added Evans family from Australia

Sunday 15th July 2007 with help friends on rootschat I have amended the Carlyle Family.

Sunday 3rd September 2006 - Thanks to Colin Charman who sent me details on the Muggeridges

Sunday, 2 April, 2006 - a timeline of Nanny Bill (Naomi Susannah Pardoe (a work in progress)

Saturday 29th October 2005 from information supplied by Gordon Wall a cousin  

Friday 14th October 2005 information added courtesy of Delpine Slattery nee Hose.

Friday 3rd June 2005. Added courtesy of Michael Elston family of Martha Hose

Thursday 13th January 2005. Added family line of Rees Farr with many thanks to Gareth Thomas.

Now added families of William Rees Farr with thanks to Barbara McNish from Canada

11 April, 2005. Added general information from Gaynor Wooley about John Henry Edgar Hose.

Thursday 21st April 2005. added some information supplied by Patricia Bane a cousin.

I have never met but am eternally grateful. And it seems we grew up in close proximity in London.

Table of Contents


bullet  Pedigree Chart for Barry William James
bullet  Surname List
bullet  Index of Names
bullet  Dinham Family Extract

bulletRose Taylor. a work in progress


bulletA Family in Politics by Marion Morpeth

          bulletNaomi Susannah Pardoe a timeline          





Contact Information


Send email to please notify broken links to my email address.                                            




Table of Contents | Surnames | Name List

This Web Site was Created 23 Dec 2004 with Legacy 6.0 from Millennia and amended 29/5/2006